À propos de LIL

  • Components - Claudius Peters

    The Claudius Peters FLUIDCON system offers the advantages of pneumatic conveying with considerably lower energy requirement owing to it’s unique aeroslide transportation principle

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  • Pneumatic Conveying - Claudius Peters

    The Claudius Peters FLUIDCON system has all the advantages of pneumatic conveying but with considerably lower energy requirements, thanks to the incorporation of the aeroslide transportation principle within the transport pipe,

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  • Pneumatic Conveying - Claudius Peters, Technik - GERMAN TECHNIK

    With over 80 years experience in the field, Claudius Peters’ Pneumatic Conveying Technik encompasses a broad spectrum of industry. Literally thousands of materials have been tested

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  • claudius peters_全部品牌_上海铂鳞贸易有限公司

    claudius peters. 自1906.成立以来,克劳狄乌斯彼得斯已经成为**上*受尊敬的工程公司之一和创新的****者。 德国**工程公司继续为石膏、水泥、煤炭、氧化铝和散装物料搬运行业的物料搬

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  • 联系 - Chinese

    Claudius Peters Machinery Service Co. Ltd. Room 2010, The Exchange Beijing, B-118 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100022, P R China. +86 10 6501 3831.

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  • Pneumatic Conveying Ammermann Pty Ltd

    The Claudius Peters Two Way Valve is installed in pneumatic conveying pipelines for alternative feeding of two material conveying routes. The most striking feature of the two way valve is its compact design. The drive is flanged directly to the

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  • Packing and Dispatch Technology Ammermann

    The Claudius Peters PACPAL packing plant is customised to fit into an existing system; compact and modular it is easily and quickly installed as an integral component. From a standard control technique to a comprehensive automatic

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  • 02 CP Data EN Fluidcon 0915 - Ammermann

    2016.11.3  Depending on the transport pipe routing, the new Claudius Peters FLUIDCON system can substantially reduce power consumption. FLUIDCON system can be used to

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  • Home - Claudius Peters

    4 天之前  Fly Ash, Coal Handling and Direct-Firing Mills for Power Plants. With one eye on the future, Claudius Peters is renowned for developing coal handling equipment and low energy systems for fly ash handling which are reliable with

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  • Automation and control - Claudius Peters

    The latest control technology and process technology ensure optimum coordination and control of our packing systems. High availability, efficient processes, great transparency and convenient handling are at the heart of all complex control solutions from Claudius Peters. Of course, all control systems can be integrated into existing systems.

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  • Bienvenue chez Claudius Peters - Home - Francais

    Browser-based and featuring an intuitive user interface, the Claudius Peters Portal has been designed to take the headache out of troubleshooting, part identification and ordering by linking information from a range of categories and classifications into one simple system to avoid problems traditionally associated with the sae and complexity of ...

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  • Calcining Technology - Claudius Peters

    5 天之前  The key component of this system is the calcining plant, where Claudius Peters supply a range of calcining systems customized for each application. A Claudius Peters EM Mill is at the heart of a gypsum processing

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  • Products - Claudius Peters

    By bringing together a variety of related techniks, Claudius Peters is able to offer clients the convenience of a single contract, providing knowledge and project management at every stage of plant development – from initial design, through supply, installation and commissioning to ongoing maintenance and support. Vast industry know-how ...

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  • Flow control gate - Claudius Peters

    The Claudius Peters flow control gate is used wherever bulk solids have to be discharged from silos and bins, in a metered and controlled manner. Especially in the cement and building materials industry Claudius Peters flow control gates have been used successfully for many years for various applications as shutoff or dosing aggregate.

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  • Über uns - Deutsch

    Claudius Peters verfügt über herausragende Erfahrungen und einen ausgezeichneten Ruf in Bezug auf Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit in der Stringerfertigung. Heute liefert das Unternehmen nach wie vor Stringer für Airbus-Flugzeuge, bietet jedoch seine Dienstleistungen nun auch anderen Flugzeugbauern an.

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  • Karriere - Deutsch

    4 天之前  Claudius Peters GmbH mit Sitz in Buxtehude nahe Hamburg ist ein führender, weltweit operierender Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer für die Zement-, Gips-, Baustoff-, Aluminium- und Stahlindustrie. Green Cement, CO2-neutraler Gips, CO2-reduzierte Energiegewinnung – gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden arbeiten wir an den Themen von morgen und leisten ...

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  • Two Way Valve - Claudius Peters

    The Claudius Peters Two-Way Valve is designed for non-explosive and explosive bulk materials. Downloads. Data Sheets Two Way Valve. View all downloads . Techniks. View all Techniks . Ash Handling. When discussing the energy sources available for the generation of power in addition to gas and oil, the combustion of coal still plays a major role.

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  • Fluidcon - Claudius Peters

    The Claudius Peters FLUIDCON system offers the advantages of pneumatic conveying with considerably lower energy requirement owing to it’s unique aeroslide transportation principle within the transport pipe. Additionally, it provides a dense phase system with increased bulk material load. Depending on the transport pipe routing, the FLUIDCON ...

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  • Claudius Peters Projects GmbH

    Claudius Peters – der Spezialist für Schüttgut- und Verfahrenstechnik in der Zement-, Kohle-, Aluminium-, Gips- und Schüttgutindustrie. Wir konzipieren und fertigen Lagerplätze, pneumatische Förderanlagen, Zementsilos, Aluminiumsilos, Klinkerkühler, Mahlanlagen für Mineralien, Kohle und Gips, Gipshomogenisierer und Kühler, Packanlagen, Schüttguttechnik

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  • Pneumatic Conveying - Claudius Peters

    With over 80 years experience in the field, Claudius Peters’ Pneumatic Conveying Technik encompasses a broad spectrum of industry. Literally thousands of materials have been tested at our headquarters Technikum (Technical Centre)

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  • Bienvenido a Claudius Peters - Home - Espanol

    Claudius Peters Projects GmbH tiene su sede en Buxtehude, Hamburgo, con oficinas locales en América, Europa, China y Lejano Oriente. Los parques de almacenamiento, transportes neumáticos, silos, enfriadores de clinker,

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  • Components Data Sheets - Claudius Peters

    2023.12.18  By clicking ‘accept’ you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyse site usage and assist in our marketing efforts.

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  • CP Restaurant - Deutsch

    Auch als „Nicht-Mitarbeiter*in“ von Claudius Peters sind Sie herzlich willkommen! Genießen Sie unsere Kaffeespezialitäten, Snacks und Mittagessen bei uns vor Ort als auch „To Go“. Um Ihr leibliches Wohl kümmern sich bei uns Matthias Helmer und sein Team mit täglich wechselnden Gerichten zu fairen Preisen. Ob deutsche Hausmannskost ...

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  • Claudius Peters Components

    Desde su fundación en 1906, Claudius Peters se ha convertido en una de las empresas de ingeniería más respetadas del mundo y en un líder mundial en innovación. Su excelencia en ingeniería alemana sigue marcando la pauta en el diseño, la fabricación y la puesta en marcha de sistemas de transporte y tratamiento de materiales para las ...

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  • Productos Claudius Peters - Espanol

    Al reunir una variedad de técnicas relacionadas, Claudius Peters es capaz de ofrecer a los clientes la conveniencia de un único contrato, proporcionando conocimientos y gestión de proyectos en cada etapa del desarrollo de la planta – desde el diseño inicial, a través del suministro, instalación y puesta en marcha, hasta el mantenimiento y soporte en curso.

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  • 联系 - Chinese

    Claudius Peters (do Brasil) Ltda. Rua das Figueiras, 474 - 3 º andar - Bairro Jardim 09080-300 - Santo André / SP Brazil +55 (11) 4903-9230 brasil@claudiuspeters China China Claudius Peters Machinery Service Co. Ltd. Room 2010, The Exchange +86 10 ...

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  • Cement - Claudius Peters

    Claudius Peters offers new innovations and solutions for high production capacity coupled with lower operating costs in all areas of the cement manufacturing process. Our foundations in the industry are solid, which we have built upon extensively over the years.

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  • News - Claudius Peters

    Langley Holdings plc, parent company to the Claudius Peters Group GmbH today published its Interim Trading Statement for the 6 months to 30 June, 2023. Read More 1 2 4

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  • Airslide System - Claudius Peters

    Claudius Peters (CP) is a leading partner for the cement and building materials industry worldwide. Our vast product range is tailor-designed to meet the individual demands of every client, providing a complete solution. View Product . Mineral Grinding Technology.

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