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约翰穆勒(John Stuart Mill,1806.5.20-1873.5.8),或译约翰斯图尔特密尔,也译作约翰斯图亚特穆勒,英国著名 哲学家 、 心理学家 和 经济学家,19世纪影响力很大的 古典自由主义 思想家,支持 边沁 的 功利主义。.
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill > Notes (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Notes to John Stuart Mill. 1. There is, however, an additional class of names which Mill claims are non-connotative. Besides singular and general, names also divide, Mill tells us, into concrete
Voir plusMill’s Moral and Political Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia
2007.10.9 John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) was the most famous and influential British philosopher of the nineteenth century. He was one of the last systematic philosophers, making
Voir plusOn Liberty John Stuart Mill - eet.pixel-online
2012.11.7 6/John Stuart Mill Chapter 1 Introductory The subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - JSTOR
editor's note: John Stuart Mill (1806-73) was born in London, the son of the utilitarian philosopher and reformer James Mill. A distinguished moral and political philosopher whose literary career
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill Biography, Philosophy,
6 天之前 John Stuart Mill (born May 20, 1806, London, England—died May 8, 1873, Avignon, France) was an English philosopher, economist, and exponent of utilitarianism. He was prominent as a publicist in the reforming age of the 19th
Voir plusMill, John Stuart - Internet Encyclopedia of
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) profoundly influenced the shape of nineteenth century British thought and political discourse. His substantial corpus of works includes texts in logic, epistemology, economics, social and political
Voir plusCollected Works of John Stuart Mill, in 33 vols.
The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill consists of 33 volumes which contain the writings of one of the leading classical liberals of the 19th century. Mill wrote works of political economy, philosophy, history, political theory, and
Voir plusA Note on John Stuart Mill's Views on Capital
2009.6.11 A Note on John Stuart Mill's Views on Capital Punishment. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 June 2009. George A. Thoma. Article. Metrics. Get access. Cite. Rights Permissions. Abstract. An
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2016.8.25 John Stuart Mill (1806–73) was the most influential English language philosopher of the nineteenth century. He was a naturalist, a utilitarian, and a liberal, whose
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill (1806−73) Reference Library
2020.6.2 John Stuart Mill dominated liberal thought during the nineteenth century with insights offered into the harm principle, free will, the despotism of custom, experiments in living, utilitarianism, the marketplace of ideas and
Voir plusUtilitarianism: Summary - SparkNotes
Utilitarianism, by John Stuart Mill, is an essay written to provide support for the value of utilitarianism as a moral theory, and to respond to misconceptions about it. Mill defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that "actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness."
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - World History Encyclopedia
2024.5.31 John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was a highly influential English philosopher of the Victorian Era. His writings were influenced by the Enlightenment thinkers and German Romanticism. Besides philosophical
Voir plusWho Was John Stuart Mill, and What Is He Best Known for?
2024.6.16 Mill's Ideology . John Stuart Mill is considered one of the most influential British thought leaders on political discourse, including epistemology, economics, ethics, metaphysics, social and ...
Voir plusMill, John Stuart - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Edited and with Notes by John Stuart Mill. London: Longmans, Green and Dyer, 1869. *Mill, John Stuart. The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill. Gen. Ed. John M. Robson. 33 vols. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963-91. The standard scholarly editions including Mill’s published works, letters, and notes; an outstanding resource. Mill ...
Voir plusUtilitarianism Chapter 1: General Remarks Summary
A summary of Chapter 1: General Remarks in John Stuart Mill#39;s Utilitarianism. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Utilitarianism and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.
Voir plusIntroduction - John Stuart Mill
John Stuart Mill was one of the most important intellectual figures of the nineteenth century. He contributed to economics, epistemology, logic, and psychology, among other fields. However, his most lasting influence has been through his utilitarian ethics
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - Essential Scholars
The oldest of nine children, John Stuart Mill was born on May 20, 1806; he died in France, where he spent many of his later years, on May 7, 1873. ... John Stuart Mill (1806-73) A “study notes” snapshot of Mill’s insights into public opinion, the despotism of custom, the harm principle, free will, experiments in living, utilitarianism ...
Voir plusOn Liberty: Full Work Analysis - SparkNotes
The key concept of John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is the idea that liberty is essential to ensure subsequent progress, for both the individual person and society—particularly when society becomes more important than the state. This state of affairs would be attained in a representative democracy in which the opposition between the rulers and the ruled disappears, in that the
Voir plus约翰穆勒_百度百科
约翰穆勒(John Stuart Mill,1806.5.20-1873.5.8),或译约翰斯图尔特密尔,也译作约翰斯图亚特穆勒,英国著名哲学家、心理学家和经济学家,19世纪影响力很大的古典自由主义思想家,支持边沁的功利主义。约翰穆勒是詹姆斯穆勒的儿子,受过其父的严格教育,在17岁时进入不列颠 ...
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - Encyclopédie de l'Histoire du
2024.5.31 John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) était un philosophe anglais très influent de l'ère victorienne. Ses écrits avaient été influencés par les penseurs des Lumières et le romantisme allemand. Outre ses travaux philosophiques, il
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism, Liberalism,
6 天之前 John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism, Liberalism, Philosopher: Mill was a person of extreme simplicity in his mode of life. The influence that his works exercised upon contemporary English thought can scarcely be overestimated,
Voir plusUtilitarianism Definition, Philosophy, Examples,
2024.10.22 Utilitarianism, in normative ethics, a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to which an action is right if it tends to
Voir plusThe Politics Shed - John Stuart Mill 1806-73
John Stuart Mill dominated liberal thought during the nineteenth century with insights offered into the harm principle, free will, the despotism of custom, experiments in living, utilitarianism, the marketplace of ideas and electoral reform. Taken together, no theorist has contributed more to liberalism than John Stuart Mill. Given its broader legacy towards political theory and the legal ...
Voir plusThe Social Liberalism of John Stuart Mill SpringerLink
2019.8.22 If a short list of keywords had to be proposed in order to explain why John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) was a great liberal thinker, it would certainly include utility, liberty, and equality. ... Such a requirement reflects Mill’s idea of liberalism. Notes. 1. Almost all the subsequent references to Mill’s work will be taken from the ...
Voir plusTaking Their Cue from Plato: James and John Stuart Mill
2012.2.6 Summary. John Stuart Mill's classic tale of disillusionment from a ‘narrow creed’, an overt as much as a covert theme of his Autobiography (London, 1873), has for many years served as a guide to the search for the causes and sources of his ‘enlargement-of-the-utilitarian-creed’ project. As a result, in analyses of Mill's mature views, Samuel Taylor Coleridge—and
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill - AcademiaLab
John Stuart Mill (20 de mayo de 1806 - 7 de mayo de 1873) fue un filósofo, economista político, miembro del parlamento (MP) y funcionario inglés. Uno de los pensadores más influyentes en la historia del liberalismo clásico, contribuyó ampliamente a la teoría social, la teoría política y la economía política.
Voir plusSulla libertà non si smette di riflettere: rileggendo John Stuart Mill
2021.4.8 Il Saggio sulla libertà (titolo originale: On Liberty) fu pubblicato da John Stuart Mill nel 1859, cioè ben oltre un secolo e mezzo fa, ma ciò nonostante è di un’attualità sconcertante.Credo che il termine “sconcertante” sia appropriato: siamo abituati a pensare al XIX secolo come ad un’epoca arcaica, non solo per la scienza e la tecnologia relativamente rozze,
Voir plusKey Concepts of John Stuart Mill - Literary Theory and Criticism
2017.5.29 English philosopher, social critic, political economist, civil servant and liberal. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was educated by his father. As Mill notes in his Autobiography, the latter handled his son's education by introducing him to a wide range of very difficult books from an early age. Thus, Mill started learning Greek at the age of
Voir plusJohn Stuart Mill > Notes (Stanford Encyclopedia of
Notes to John Stuart Mill. 1. There is, however, an additional class of names which Mill claims are non-connotative. Besides singular and general, names also divide, Mill tells us, into concrete and abstract.Concrete names denote objects; abstract names denote attributes.“Old is a name of things; old age is a name of one of their attributes” (System, VII: 29).
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