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A Review on Ammono-Carbonation Reactions: Focusing
2024.9.27 gypsum (FGD gypsum) might perform good effectiveness in production of sulfate compounds. Ammono-carbonation reaction of any kind of gypsum (pure, PG or FGD
A fresh aqueous gypsum slurry comprising a dis persion of finely divided gypsum in an ammonium sulfate 20 solution is continuously introduced into the flowing mate rial and
Voir plusProduction and resource utilization of flue gas desulfurized gypsum
2021.11.1 Flue gas desulfurized gypsum mainly comes from thermal power plants, smelters, and large-enterprise boilers, and contains industrial by-products produced through a
Voir plusMethod for preparing granular ammonium sulfate and
2012.7.5 Method for preparing granular ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate by chemical gypsums via low-temperature transformation. 盛勇, 周佩, +7 authors. 陈鹏.
Voir plusKinetics of the conversion reaction of gypsum
2018.5.7 The reactivity of flue gas desulphurization gypsum with ammonium carbonate has been studied in the temperature range (20–50) °C. Mechanism of this reaction was suggested and the kinetics parameters
Voir plusPhosphogypsum Two-Step Ammonia-Carbonation Resulting in Ammonium ...
2021.10.18 Two synthesis methods were used for the conversion of phosphogypsum to ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate: (i) Two-step method: it consists of reacting
Voir plusAmmonium sulfate preparation from phosphogypsum waste
2017.1.1 Preparation procedures. Ammonium sulfate is prepared by stirring a definite amount of impure or purified phosphogypsum with a suitable amount of ammonium carbonate
Voir plusFabrication of freeform bone‐filling calcium phosphate
2009.1.14 Abstract. Transformation of gypsum model fabricated by three-dimensional printing (3DP) into hydroxyapatite (HA) by treating in ammonium phosphate solution is
Voir plusEffect of Ammonium Chloride Solution on the Growth of Phosphorus Gypsum ...
2016.8.28 The gypsum whisker which grew in different salt solution (Figure 8) was observed after NH 4 Cl solution was added. The whisker of Figure 8(a) grew in KCl solution.
Voir plusProduction and resource utilization of flue gas desulfurized gypsum
2021.11.1 Flue gas desulfurized gypsum mainly comes from thermal power plants, smelters, and large-enterprise boilers, and contains industrial by-products produced through a wet desulfurization combustion process, where SO 2 gas and lime slurry react under strong oxidation conditions. The main component of this gypsum is calcium sulfate dihydrate, which also
Voir plusDesulfurization gypsum carbonation for CO2 sequestration
2023.2.1 Desulfurization gypsum is a kind of solid waste with CaSO 4 ‧2H 2 O as the main component produced in the process of limestone-based flue gas desulfurization. About 100 million tons of desulfurization gypsum was produced every year in China (Wang et al., 2020).On the one hand, it has a high content of Ca 2+ and is suitable for CO 2 sequestration. On the other hand,
Voir plusKinetics of the conversion reaction of gypsum
2018.5.7 The reactivity of flue gas desulphurization gypsum with ammonium carbonate has been studied in the temperature range (20–50) °C. Mechanism of this reaction was suggested and the kinetics parameters
Voir plusImpacts of Biochar and Gypsum on Ammonia-Oxidizing
2024.8.11 Nitrification is the core step of the soil nitrogen cycle and directly affects the nitrogen use efficiency in agricultural systems. Biochar and gypsum are two important soil amendments widely used in coastal saline farmland. However, little is known about their effects on nitrification and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms. A one-year pot experiment with three
Voir plusProduction, characterisation, and application of titanium gypsum
2024.1.1 Titanium gypsum (TG) is a industrial gypsum produced during the manufacture of titanium dioxide (TiO 2) by the sulphuric acid process, after neutralisation of the acid waste solution with lime or calcium carbide slag (Zapata-Carbonell et al., 2019, Zhai et al., 2020).At present, every 1 ton of TiO 2 produced in China generates about 6 ton of TG (Ma, 2022a, Su
Voir plusFabrication of a highly permeable composite nanofiltration membrane
2019.1.15 Nanofiltration (NF) is a pressure driven membrane separation process between ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO), which could reject small solutes of approximately 1 nm in size with corresponding molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 200–2000 Da [1], [2], [3].With the advantage of relatively low operating pressure, high permeation flux and excellent
Voir plusApplications of Gypsum and Ammonium Sulfate Change Soil
2020.6.15 Applications of Gypsum and Ammonium Sulfate Change Soil Chemical Properties of a Salt-Affected Agricultural Soil
Voir plus(PDF) A Review on Ammono-Carbonation Reactions:
2022.1.1 FGD gypsum) with ammonium carbonate known as Merseb urg Process is used to . produce ammonium sulfate and calcium carbonate. This study focuses on a brief .
Voir plusGlycine-induced synthesis of vaterite by direct aqueous
2022.4.15 The carbonation reaction of gypsum from gas desulfurization was divided into four main stages (Lu et al. 2016; Song et al. 2012): (1) absorption of gas CO 2 in the ammonia solution, (2) formation of ammonium (bi)carbonate, (3) chemical reaction between ammonium (bi)carbonate and gypsum, and (4) precipitation of CaCO 3. The relevant reactions ...
Voir plusManufacture of ammonium sulfate from gypsum - Google
ammonium sulfate is manufactured from gypsum by a continuous process in which an aqueous flow of material is continously recycled along a predetermined closed circuit defined by a conduit and a wider vallel connected in series. a fresh aqueous gypsum slurry comprising a dispersion of finely divided gypsum in an ammonium sulfate solution is continuously introduced into the
Voir plusFabrication of B-type carbonate apatite blocks by the
Diametral tensile strength of the CO3Ap block was approximately 1-3 MPa. Based on the results obtained, it was therefore concluded that gypsum-calcite was a good candidate for the fabrication of CO3Ap blocks, coupled with the advantage that the composite can be molded to any shape by virtue of the setting property of gypsum.
Voir plusReaction process and mechanism of reaction between FGD gypsum
2014.5.21 In order to study the resource utilization of sintering flue gas desulfurization gypsum,the reaction of ammonium carbonate and the sintering flue gas desulfurization gypsum was involved to prepare calcium carbonate and ammonia sulfate.The process of the reaction was investigated,and the reaction mechanism and the reaction kinetic equation were explored in
Voir plusUtilization of natural gypsum for the preparation of ammonium
2023.1.6 In Fig. 5b, the peaks at 16.77°, 20.59°, 23.04°, 28.57°, 47.02° corresponded to ammonium sulfate (JCPDS card- 01-073-6838). The XRD analysis confirmed that the major phase constituted of ammonium sulfate. FT-IR analysis. FT-IR analysis of natural gypsum and the product formed is shown in Fig. 6.The band near 3620 and 3400 cm −1 depicts the hydrogen
Voir plusHigh-Performance Nanofiltration Membrane with Dual Resistance to Gypsum ...
2024.9.2 Nanofiltration (NF) technology is pivotal for ensuring a sustainable and reliable supply of clean water. To address the critical need for advanced thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide (PA) membranes with exceptional permselectivity and fouling resistance for emerging contaminant purification, we introduce a novel high-performance NF membrane. This
Voir plusFabrication of antifouling thin-film composite nanofiltration
2021.2.1 Bao [32] et al. grafted PEI onto the TFC membranes for enhancing the ammonia nitrogen (NH 4 +-N) rejection and the antifouling properties during the pre-concentration of raw domestic wastewater (DW). ... For the fabrication of zwitterionic PEI-grafted TFC NF membrane, after cured in an oven, the NF-PEI membrane was immersed into a 5.3 w/v% STAB ...
Voir plusUtilization of natural gypsum for the preparation of ammonium
2023.1.6 The present study aims to synthesize ammonium sulfate from low-grade naturally occurring gypsum found in Rajasthan, India. Ammonium sulfate was prepared by adding a fixed amount of natural gypsum ...
Voir plusProduction of ammonium sulfate fertilizer from FGD-gypsum
1995.12.31 The overall goal of this study is to assess the technical and economic feasibilities for producing marketable products including fertilizer-grade ammonium sulfate from gypsum produced as part of lime/limestone flue gas desulfurization (FGD) processes. Millions of tone of FGD-gypsum by-product may be produced in this decade as a result of the 1990 Clean
Voir plusFabrication of Hydroxyapatite Block from Gypsum Block
Key words : Hydroxyapatite, Gypsum, Ammonium phosphate INTRODUCTION Hydroxyapatite (HAP, Cam (PO4 ) 6 (OH) 2 ) has been used widely in medical and dental fields as a bone substitute material because of its good ... 516 FABRICATION OF HYDROXYAPATITE FROM GYPSUM following prerequisites: 1. It should contain calcium and/or phosphate. 2. It should ...
Voir plusFabrication of graphene oxide/ammonium
2024.11.1 Efficient separation of radioactive cesium ions (Cs +) from complicated aqueous environmental media has attracted considerable interest, especially seawater.Ammonium molybdophosphate (AMP) is regarded as a promising adsorbent for Cs +, but its fine powder dramatically inhibits the potential for practical applications.Herein, graphene oxide (GO) was
Voir plusFabrication of a Novel Nanofiltration Membrane with ...
2019.11.1 Fabrication of a Novel Nanofiltration Membrane with Enhanced Performance via Interfacial Polymerization through the Incorporation of a New Zwitterionic Diamine ACS Applied Materials Interfaces ( IF 8.3Pub Date : 2019-10-31, DOI: 10.
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