À propos de LIL

  • Characterizing Rock-Breaking Performance of PDC Cutters

    2024.10.15  In 2022, a rock-breaking efficiency evaluation index based on cutter sharpness was designed. By defining the PDC cutter surface morphology as the sharpness index and its ratio to MSE as the PDC...

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  • Control of rock cutting efficiency by muck size - ScienceDirect

    2008.2.1  Size distribution of the muck produced during excavation in competent rock formations is directly proportional to cutting efficiency, and may give information on boring

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  • A New Approach of Rock Cutting Efficiency Evaluation by

    2018.12.17  To address this problem, the new concept of Plastic Energy Dissipation Ratio (PEDR) and its model are presented, a new approach for rock cutting efficiency evaluation by

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  • Comparative study on the rock breaking performance of

    2024.8.1  The higher specific energy consumption indicates that more energy is required to break the same volume of rock, resulting in lower efficiency of rock breaking. The specific

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  • Rock Drilling Performance Evaluation by an Energy

    2016.5.2  In this study, the performance of two major mechanical drilling methods, namely rotary drilling and percussive drilling, are investigated against rock brittleness capacity by the

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  • The rock damage mechanism of combined rock breaking

    2023.11.11  To improve the tunneling efficiency of hard rock tunnel, this paper proposes a combined rock breaking method of saw blade and pick to improve the rock breaking ability of

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  • An experimental study of the relationship between cutting efficiency ...

    2021.4.23  This work is highly pertinent to better understanding of the relationship between rock cutting efficiency and cuttings size in rock cutting using a PDC cutter. Rock cutting

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  • Energy efficiency in rock cutting: Materials Research

    2013.11.12  Efficient coal/rock excavation in terms of less energy consumption has drawn wide attention. Extensive research has been carried out to find the optimised geometrical

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  • Study on rock breaking efficiency of special shaped cutters

    2022.2.1  The optimization of cutter shape has become one of the main innovation direction of PDC bit technology. At present, both domestic and foreign bit manufacturers have put

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  • Numerical investigation on rock‐breaking

    2021.10.16  Compound percussive drilling technology is a new method to improve the rock-breaking efficiency in deep hard formation. In order to study the rock-breaking mechanism of compound impact drilling, the thermal-structure

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  • Stationary cone crushers - Crusher automation

    The Sandvik Reliability and Protection package is designed to keep you in control of your costs and efficiency at all times. It includes on-site periodic inspections that enable proactive preventative maintenance recommendations, trend

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  • Enhancing Rock Drilling Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis of

    2023.12.13  Rock drilling features play a vital role in rock and mining mechanics projects. The Drilling Rate Index (DRI) holds significance as a crucial parameter employed in engineering applications for evaluating the drillability of rocks. Due to the sensitivity of the projects related to the field of stone engineering and also due to the uncertainty in the physical parameters of the

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  • RYDER 1000 Jaw Crusher - roco9

    Equipped with a wide range of additional features, the RYDER 1000 is the ultimate contractor machine.hether it’s recycling, demolition, concrete crushing, or hard rock aggregate applications, this crusher is fully equipped to handle any

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  • Application of excavation compensation method for ...

    2024.11.11  Engineering shallow, large-span rock tunnels challenges deformation control and escalates construction costs. This study investigates the excavation compensation method (ECM) and its associated technologies to address these issues. Utilizing five key technologies, the ECM effectively modulates radial stress post-excavation, redistributes stress in the

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  • Increasing Drilling Efficiency: Rock Drillability Assessment

    2024.4.11  Increasing Drilling Efficiency: Rock Drillability Assessment 1 . with Improved Reliability Methods 2 . Hadi Fattahi a, 1, Fateme Jiryaee a 3 .

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  • Exploring Efficiency in Deep Rock Galactic: The Sacrifices We

    3 天之前  Deep Rock Galactic, the cooperative first-person shooter that astounds players with its chaotic charm and team-dependent gameplay, has ignited an interesting conversation surrounding the concept of efficiency in-game.

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  • Methods of Mechanical Mining of Compact-Rock—A Comparison of Efficiency ...

    2019.9.17  In the first part, we described the methods used to assess rock workability, and the influence of rock types and parameters on mining efficiency. Furthermore, we discussed the compact-rock mining ...

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  • Nordberg® HP400™ cone crusher - Metso

    Nordberg® HP400™ cone crusher is a versatile rock crushing machine frequently utilized as a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary crusher in aggregates production or in mining operations. It is part of the world’s most popular cone crusher series, and designed for high productivity, low operating and wear costs, long service life and high ...

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  • Efficient Bayesian updating for deformation prediction of high rock ...

    2024.11.1  Efficient Bayesian updating for deformation prediction of high rock slopes induced by excavation with monitoring data. ... The rock masses removed in each excavation stage cut by the excavation outline and horizontal lines in Fig. 5 (b) are simulated with the null model in FLAC3D. The pre-stressed anchor cables with a design pre-stressing force ...

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  • Concasseurs de roches à vendre AgricoleIdéal - AgDealer

    Neuf 2022 Fae STC-150 ROCK CRUSHER Concasseur de Roches Ajouter comme favori. ... Agricole Idéal: 621334; Endroit: New Glasgow, Nouvelle-Écosse km STC-150 FAE ROCK CRUSHER, CAN CRUSH ROCK UP TO 10 INCHES. IDEAL FOR FARM LAND AND FORESTRY ROADS! ... Spider Hitch is a safe and efficient way to hook up a header to your combine – or a

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    2023.9.13  new ways of working that will drive efficiency and productivity, open new markets, support our customers and help us sustain long-term growth. To achieve this, Sandvik is focusing on four sustainability goals for 2030; CIRCULARITY: More than 90% circular CLIMATE: Halve the CO2 impact CHAMPION PEOPLE: Zero harm to people

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  • Comment choisir un concasseur de roche - 6 conseils pour le

    2024.10.30  Ici, nous prenons le concasseur à roche à mâchoires comme exemple, pour vous montrer comment écraser la roche. Un concasseur de roche minière fonctionne sur le principe de la compression, transformant les grosses roches en morceaux plus petits et plus maniables. Voici un aperçu général du fonctionnement d’un concasseur de roche typique :

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  • Company - ROC IMPACT

    An advice ? a quote ? +33 (O)4 74 06 68 80 commercial@concasseur. en. Select your language; FR; EN; ES; ROC IMPACT a responsive company. Home; ... Our French-made products are known to be robust, reliable and efficient. The assembly of all machines is carried out in our factory in France. Our team ROC IMPACT. William HOLLAND General manager

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  • Eco-efficient rock processing reduces climate impact

    “We are committed to working closely with our customers, providing equipment, services, and solutions that enable more eco-efficient rock processing,” says Pontus Alexandersson, Head of Sustainable Business at Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions. Electrification of crushing and

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  • Sizers - MMD

    The last part of the efficient 3 stage breaking action sees the rotating teeth chop through the fixed breaker bar, creating a product size and shape that is controlled in all three dimensions. ... Not only are Sizers insensitive to soft, wet and sticky material, but they can also process hard, abrasive rock either separately or combined ...

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  • Review of the in-pit crushing and conveying (IPCC) system

    2024.1.15  conveyors that reduces rock of mine (ROM) to a conveyable size. In fact, IPCC is the use of fully mobile, semi-mobile or fixed in-pit crushers coupled with conveyors and spreaders (for waste) or

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  • Efficient Rock Fragmentation Estimation on Conveyor Belts

    This paper presents computationally efficient method for estimating the size of rock fragments on conveyor belts in mining operations. Leveraging convolutional neural networks, specifically the YOLOv8 architecture, our approach utilizes oriented bounding boxes and key points to determine the maximum size of rock fragments. Unlike traditional methods, our proposed technique

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  • Nordberg® HP300™ cone crusher - Metso

    Nordberg® HP300™ cone crusher is a versatile rock crushing machine frequently utilized as a secondary, tertiary, or quaternary crusher in aggregates production or in mining operations. It is part of the world’s most popular cone crusher series, and designed for high productivity, with low operating and wear costs. ... Cost efficient and ...

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  • Rock-hyrax: An energy efficient job scheduling using cluster

    2024.4.1  Rock-hyrax: An energy efficient job scheduling using cluster of resources in cloud computing environment. Author links open overlay panel Saurabh Singhal a, Shabir Ali b, ... Energy efficiency (E i): Whether or not a job is executing in the cloud, the virtual machine consumes energy. As a result, while idle, virtual machines consume a lot of ...

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  • Study on Microwave-assisted TBM Double-edged Cutter Rock

    2024.4.5  In this study, based on a microwave test, the discrete element program (PFC) is used to establish a microwave-assisted disc cutter rock-breaking model and explore the influence law of the positional relationship between microwave radiation and disc cutter penetration on rock-breaking efficiency, and the results show that: The improvement of the positional relationship

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