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  • Mining and sustainable development goals in Africa

    2024.3.1  South Africa, for example, performs the best among developing countries, with 21.05 % of women employed in the mining industry (Mangaroo-Pillay and Botha, 2020). Women work across the mining spectrum, from artisanal and small-scale mining to large-scale mining

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    2020.8.22  Significance of mining to development in South Africa (Please note various factors are similar for contribution to economy and significance for development. Difference is

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  • Analysis of the key factors affecting beneficiation in South Africa

    South Africa has the wealthiest mining jurisdiction in the world with mineral resources valued at $2.5 trillion. Despite these assets, the level of value added mineral beneficiation undertaken in

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  • (PDF) Mining Community Development in South

    2019.3.14  The legislative system that provides for the socio-economic development of mining communities in South Africa has been under significant scrutiny in recent times.

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  • Technology and growth in the South African mining

    2024.5.18  Results show that critical success factors to the adoption of mining technology include learning culture, knowledge sharing, high labour costs, and behaviour of other firms in

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  • Mining for Africa’s development - ECDPM

    2017.7.10  A 2010 Citibank survey put South Africa as the world’s richest mining country in terms of non-oil reserves, worth an estimated $2.5tr at then current prices, more than Russia

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  • (PDF) Mineral policy impact on South Africa's

    Abstract. The motivation behind the report is to understand how mineral policies drive the operational, performance and investment decisions of mining producers. The focus is on those operating...

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  • Mining and community in South Africa: From small town

    2020.2.7  The content provides a critical analysis of the mining sector and current realities experienced in South Africa, and progresses interdisciplinarily to conclude on governance,

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  • Sustainable social development in the South African mining

    2009.8.12  This article introduces and discusses the concepts ‘sustainable development’ and ‘corporate social responsibility’ (CSR) in the context of the South African mining sector,

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  • Putting the shine back into South African mining

    2020.9.5  A renewed mining industry can once again be a primary engine of growth, job-creation, and development for South Africa. 1 This analysis covers four major commodities

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  • Mining in Africa 2024: Strategies to address

    4 天之前  Deteriorating roads and rail infrastructure in South African ports contributed to congestion, escalating transportation expenses, gasoline expenses, tolls, employment costs, and impacting the sustainable marketing

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  • Putting the shine back into South African mining

    2020.9.5  47 percent of South Africa’s mining jobs, along with 42 percent of revenues, are in the vulnerable bottom quartile of global cost competitiveness (Exhibit 1). Those four commodities account for three fifths of South Africa’s mining revenues. 3 A further challenge is that South Africa’s mining sector is unusually vulnerable to volatility

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  • factors that promoted development of mining in south africa

    Coal mining processing plant in Nigeria. This coal mining project is an open pit mine located in Nigeria, announced by mining company - Western Goldfields - that it has discovered 62,400,000 tonnes of proven reserves of coal deposits worth US$1.2 billion which could be used for the generation of electric power...

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  • (PDF) Can Mining Promote Industrialization? A Comparative Analysis of ...

    2016.1.1  Can Mining Promote Industrialization? A Comparative Analysis of Policy Frameworks in Three Southern African Countries

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  • Substance Abuse among High School Learners in South Africa

    PDF On Apr 5, 2021, M.V. Nzama and others published Substance Abuse among High School Learners in South Africa: A Case Study of Promoting Factors African Journal of Development Studies (AJDS ...

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  • (PDF) Mining Community Development in South Africa: A

    2019.3.14  The legislative system that provides for the socio-economic development of mining communities in South Africa has been under significant scrutiny in recent times.

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  • Interventions to promote gender equality in the mining sector of South ...

    2020.4.1  This research study explored workplace challenges that women in the South African mining sector still face despite progressive gender sensitive regulations. The purpose of the research was to come up with evidence-based recommendations on how to promote sustainable gender equality in South Africa’s mining sector.

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  • Analysis of the key factors affecting beneficiation in South Africa

    South Africa has the wealthiest mining jurisdiction in the world with mineral resources valued at $2.5 trillion. Despite these assets, the level of value added mineral beneficiation undertaken in South Africa is low, with activities in the mining industry dominated by primary production and exports of raw or partially processed minerals. This study undertook to determine, evaluate

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  • How South Africa’s mining industry can change its ways

    2017.2.28  South Africa’s mining industry is on an unsustainable trajectory and needs to undergo fundamental transformation that emphasises transparency, equity, and community participation.

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  • (PDF) Assessing the role of entrepreneurship industry and

    2023.10.28  The study looked at the role and contribution of entrepreneurship industry to foster social and economic development through small, micro, and medium-sized businesses in South Africa.

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  • Economic Sustainability of Small Mining Towns: A Case

    2023.12.21  these factors have led to a drop in mining contribution to the GDP from 21% in 1980 (Statistics South Africa, 2017) to approximately 8.1% in 2019 (Mineral Council South Africa, 2020). Devastating effects of mine closures that pose economic sustainability challenges in South Africa are reported by Ackermann et al. (2018b) for

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  • In country beneficiation for economic growth

    2023.11.1  A 2022 report showed that South Africa lost approximately R50-billion in export opportunities due to the rail and port constraints (Mineral Council of South Africa, 2022). Furthermore, rail infrastructure has become dilapidated

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  • factors that promoted development of mining in south africa

    Factors favouring development of mining in south africa. Factors Promoting Mining In South Africa What are the five factors that hampered mining development in Are the minerals mined in South Africa renewable Discuss cultural factors and practices that promote entrepreneurial development in Kenya and south Africa Read more . Get Price List. Get ...

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  • Factors Affecting Farming in South Africa

    2024.2.26  Farming in South Africa is influenced by various factors, including: Climate and Weather Patterns: South Africa has diverse climatic conditions, ranging from arid to temperate. This variability affects the types of crops that can be

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  • Economic Sustainability of Small Mining Towns: A Case

    2024.1.8  these factors have led to a drop in mining contribution to the GDP from 21% in 1980 (Statistics South Africa, 2017) to approximately 8.1% in 2019 (Mineral Council South Africa, 2020). Devastating effects of mine closures that pose economic sustainability challenges in South Africa are reported by Ackermann et al. (2018b) for

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  • Mining for Africa’s development - ECDPM

    2017.7.10  Yet, whereas by the late 1980s South Africa’s share of global mining was 40%, with some 880,000 jobs in the sector, by 2014 it had declined to 4.5% and fewer than 500,000 jobs, even though the sector still accounted for 8% of GDP and more than half of South Africa’s merchandise exports. By 2011 South Africa’s global share of greenfield ...

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  • factors that promoted development of mining in south africa

    Coal mining processing plant in Nigeria. This coal mining project is an open pit mine located in Nigeria, announced by mining company - Western Goldfields - that it has discovered 62,400,000 tonnes of proven reserves of coal deposits worth US$1.2 billion which could be used for the generation of electric power...

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  • Decarbonising South Africa’s Mining sector

    2021.11.5  The report shows that South Africa can decarbonise its mining sector and promote socio-economic development via enabling cross-sector green-tech opportunities. The biggest mining sector decarbonisation lever is a cleaner electricity supply, eliminating ~75% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions, while electrification of mobility and stationery machinery ...

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  • The Power of Mining to Transform Development in Africa

    2015.3.10  Senior Director of the Energy and Extractives GP Anita Marangoly George's keynote speech at a mining conference in South Africa. ... Together in partnership we can help to transform development in Africa. Thank you. RELATED. EVENT PAGE. Power of the Mine . Feb 09, 2015. REPORT. The Power of the Mine: A Transformative Opportunity for Sub-Saharan ...

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  • Mining Community Development in South Africa: A Critical

    The legislative system that provides for the socio-economic development of mining communities in South Africa has been under significant scrutiny in recent times. Various instances of conflict between mining communities and mining companies, of which the Marikana Massacre of 2012 is certainly the most noteworthy, show that mining communities expect mining companies to

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