À propos de LIL

  • Principles of Epidemiology Lesson 3 - Section 5 - Centers

    The measures of association described in the following section compare disease occurrence among one group with disease occurrence in another group. Examples of measures of

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  • Delirium after cardiac arrest: incidence, risk factors, and association ...

    11 小时之前  Delirium, also known as “acute encephalopathy,” is a common complication of patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). According to a recent review and meta

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    Incidence refers to new cases of disease occurring among previously unaffected individuals. This is a more appropriate measure for etiological studies of cancer and

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  • 6 Measures of Association R for Epidemiology

    These equations represent the lack of an association on the incidence proportion difference, incidence proportion ratio, and incidence odds ratio scales respectively. Notice the values of each when there is no association – 0 for

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  • Introduction to 2 x 2 Tables, Epidemiologic

    The degree to which exposures and health outcomes are associated is conveyed through a measure of association. Which measure of association to choose depends on whether you are working with incidence or prevalence data, which

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  • Association, correlation and causation Nature Methods

    2015.9.29  Abstract. Correlation implies association, but not causation. Conversely, causation implies association, but not correlation. Main. Most studies include multiple

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  • Inverse Association between the Body Mass Index and the Incidence

    2024.11.4  Overweight/obese patients experience a lower incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) compared to non-overweight patients, even though elevated body mass

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  • Association Between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein

    2024.11.8  Association Between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Trajectories and the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome:A Retrospective Cohort Study. JianJiang Pan 1 Department

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  • The Football Association Injury and Illness Surveillance

    Objectives: To determine the incidence and characteristics of injury and illness in English men's and women's senior and youth international football. Methods: Time-loss injuries and illnesses, alongside match and training exposure, were collected across 8 seasons (2012-2020) in youth (U15, U16, U17, U18, U19) and senior (U20, U21, U23, senior) English men's and women's

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  • Association Between Daily Internet Use and Incidence of ...

    2023.7.18  Association Between Daily Internet Use and Incidence of Chronic Diseases Among Older Adults: Prospective Cohort Study Journal of Medical Internet Research ( IF 5.8) Pub Date : 2023-07-17, DOI: 10.2196/46298

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  • Association Between Preparedness and Response Measures

    The COVID-19 pandemic was the most disruptive global health crisis in a century. Analysis of publicly available data by experts from Resolve to Save Lives revealed that alongside preparedness capacities, governance and leadership capacities independently contributed to lower COVID-19 cases and deaths. Both preparedness and governance are essential for

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  • Association of depressive symptoms with risk of incidence ...

    2024.3.22  Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to examine the association between DS and incident LBP. Over the 9.25-year follow-up period, 2234 incident LBP cases were identified. There was a significant independent association between positive DS and incident LBP with an HR of 1.73 (95 % CI = 1.55–1.94).

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  • Concasseurs à cône pour votre concassage secondaire

    2024.11.1  Le concasseur à cône ne peut pas accepter de matériaux de toutes tailles. Les matériaux doivent être pré-dimensionnés pour le concasseur (généralement 200 mm ou moins). ... Toutefois, la désactivation de certains de ces cookies peut avoir une incidence sur la navigation. Necessary Necessary.

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  • Trends in Cancer Incidence and Potential Associated Factors

    2024.10.21  Cancer incidence was collected from the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents based on the cancer and registry dictionary. 13-19 Registries in the mainland of China with 5-year period data in each volume were selected. A total of 3 677 027 new cases of 32 cancers were collected from volumes VI to XII (1983-1987 to 2013-2017), including 2 018 339 ...

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  • Association between Preseason/Regular Season Head

    2022.6.1  Association between Preseason/Regular Season Head Impact Exposure and Concussion Incidence in NCAA Football Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2022 Jun 1;54(6):912-922. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002874. ... Preseason HIE was associated with preseason and total season concussion incidence, and total season HIE was associated with total season

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  • PH717 - Module 3 - Measuring Frequency and Association

    2021.10.19  PH717 - Module 3 - Measuring Frequency and Association. Part 1 - Measures of Disease Frequency; Part 2 - Measuring Association Between Exposures Health Outcomes ... The null value is to the measure of association when the incidence is the same in the groups being compared. If this is the case, the risk ratio = 1, the risk difference = 0, and ...

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  • Association of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Incidence With

    2021.1.1  Importance: The incidence of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is partly determined by its risk factors, such as age, sex, cataract surgery, and myopia. Changes in the prevalence of these risk factors could change RRD incidence in the population. Objective: To determine whether the incidence of RRD in the Netherlands has changed over recent years

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  • Association of varicose veins with incidence risk of atrial ...

    2024.9.1  Therefore, the authors aimed to investigate the association between VV and the incidence risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) using a population-based cohort. Methods: Our retrospective cohort study included 2 680 971 individuals who underwent examination through the Korean National Health Screening Service from 2010 to 2011. VV was defined by two ...

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  • Sex differences in the association between socioeconomic

    Among Chinese adults, the associations between education and diabetes prevalence and incidence differed qualitatively between men and women, whereas higher household income was positively associated with diabetes prevalence and incidence in both sexes, with a stronger relationship in men than in wom

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  • Association of Childhood Psychosocial Environment With 30-Year ... - PubMed

    2020.5.5  However, longitudinal studies of this association are rare. Methods and Results Our study used the CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) Stud Association of Childhood Psychosocial Environment With 30-Year Cardiovascular Disease Incidence and Mortality in Middle Age J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 May 5 ...

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  • Introduction to 2 x 2 Tables, Epidemiologic Study Design, and

    Which measure of association to choose depends on whether you are working with incidence or prevalence data, which in turn depends on the type of study design used. This chapter will therefore provide a brief outline of common epidemiologic study designs interwoven with a discussion of the appropriate measure(s) of association for each.

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  • The association of atrial fibrillation and dementia incidence:

    Objectives: To assess and synthesize the prospective cohort studies published so far on the association between atrial fibrillation (AF) and dementia incidence. Methods: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library for potential studies published in English previous to April 2018. Two independent reviewers screened the search results for prospective

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  • Association between visceral adiposity index and incidence

    2024.8.2  Visceral adiposity index (VAI) is a reliable indicator of visceral adiposity. However, no stu-dies have evaluated the association between VAI and DKD in US adults with diabetes. Theref-ore, this study aimed to explore the relationship between them and whether VAI is a good pr-edictor of DKD in US ad

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  • Association between “weekend warrior” physical activity and

    2024.9.1  Association between “weekend warrior” physical activity and the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Author links open overlay panel Yuye Ning a b 1, ... employment rate, more favorable self-reported health status, a reduced BMI, and decreased blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and CVD was also lower in the WW group.

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  • Measures of Disease Frequency – Foundations of Epidemiology

    There are 2 commonly used measures of disease frequency that incorporate denominator information: one is a measure of existing disease (prevalence), and the other is a measure of new disease (incidence). Incidence is used to study causes of disease, whereas prevalence is used more for resource allocation. Prevalence

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  • Association of accelerated aging with the incidence risk of ...

    Cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs) comorbidities among people with severe mental illnesses (SMI) are associated with a high healthcare burden and premature mortality. This study aims to evaluate whether biological aging has an interaction with SMI on incident CMDs, and to examine the association of fou

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