À propos de LIL

  • Petmin Corporate website - Somkhele

    Petmin’s Somkhele mine 85km northwest of Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal is operated by its 80% owned subsidiary Tendele Coal Mining, with 20% held by a trust for the benefit of the

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  • Somkhele Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor

    2024.3.19  Somkhele Mine is an open-cast mine in Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, that produces 1.2 million tonnes of anthracite coal per year. [1] It is South Africa’s

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  • SOMKHELE - Petmin

    2020.11.17  Somkhele’s environmental monitoring programme includes the following: • Blasting: During blasting events by mine and independent blasting consultant • Surface water:

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  • Somkhele Coal Mine, KZN, South Africa - All Rise

    2021.9.15  Somkhele Coal Mine, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Tendele Coal Mining (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Petmin,1 has been operating the Somkhele Coal Mine in northern KwaZulu

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  • Somkhele coal mine owned by Tendele, KwaZulu

    2023.4.25  The open cast coal mine in Somkhele has been operating since 2007 in the uMkhanyakude District (one of the 11 districts of the KwaZulu-Natal Province). This district is known for its lack of hydraulic resources and its poor

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  • Afrique du Sud : la mine de charbon Somkhele risque de

    2024.11.2  En Afrique du Sud, le sort de la mine de charbon Somkhele est finalement laissé aux soins du ministère des Ressources minérales et de l’Energie (DMRE) par la Haute Cour

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  • S. Africa: Somkhele residents accuse Tendele mine of gross

    2022.4.8  Frustrated residents of Somkhele, a rural mining community in the South African province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, are accusing a large coal mine -that is planning to expand – of

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  • Mam Fikile Ntshangase - Life After Coal/Impilo

    For many years MCEJO has challenged the further expansion of a large coal mine at Somkhele by the Tendele coal mining company. As one of the leaders of the opposition against the coal mining company, Mam Fikile often spoke out

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  • Afrique du Sud : la mine de charbon Somkhele

    En Afrique du Sud, le sort de la mine de charbon Somkhele est finalement laissé aux soins du ministère des Ressources minérales et de l’Energie (DMRE) par la Haute Cour de Pretoria.

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  • Afrique du Sud : vers la fermeture de la mine de charbon Somkhele

    En Afrique du Sud, la mine de charbon Somkbele risque de fermer pour des raisons environnementales. Elle fait l’objet de multiple critique liée à la problématique dans la zone

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  • SOUTH AFRICA: The killing of Somkhele environmental activist, Fikile ...

    2020.10.29  Tendele’s coal mining operations have caused untold destruction of the environment and the homes and livelihoods of the residents of Somkhele. (Photographs and video footage available.) Over the past few months, tension has been rising in the community over the proposed expansion of Tendele’s operations, and MCEJO’s opposition to that ...

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  • Somkhele Anthracite Mine - Petmin

    2020.11.19  Somkhele’s existing mining areas will be depleted within the next two years and the cash generated in that period of time is required to settle the debt noted above. In order for there to be a meaningful future contribution to the community around Somkhele, the mine needs to complete the relocation process in the new mining ...

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  • Palaeontological Impact Assessment for the proposed

    2023.2.19  Somkhele Mine is situated in the Vryheid Formation, Ecca Group, early to middle Permian in age and has reserves of coal and anthracite. Fossil plants of the Glossopteris flora have been recorded from road and rail cuttings and boreholes. Recent research on the nearby Emakwazini Formation has highlighted the unusual nature of this fossil deposit ...

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  • Musée de la mine - Brioude Sud Auvergne Tourisme

    Venez vous imprégner des 5 siècles d'histoire de l'extraction de charbon du sous-sol auvergnat. Ce Musée de la Mine doit sa particularité et son originalité à ses galeries : pas moins de 160m de galeries reconstituées à l’identique. Le Musée de la Mine est installé dans le bâtiment de l’ancienne machinerie de l’exploitation.

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  • (PDF) Psychological Report: Everything for Dust The

    2022.10.25  The report prepared for All Rise Attorneys for climate and environmental justice outlines the psychosocial impacts of opencast coal mining on 35 residents from 26 families interviewed in Somkhele ...

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  • Petmin Corporate website - About Somkhele

    About Somkhele. Since operations started in 2006, Somkhele has changed the lives of many people in the community through employment, and infrastructure, and community development, and has made significant contributions to the local and national economy. The mine is the centre of economic activity in an area with an unemployment rate of 90%.

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  • Petmin announces R350M BBBEE deal for Somkhele anthracite

    2015.6.10  Tendele Coal Mining is the owner of the Somkhele anthracite mine in KwaZulu-Natal, with annual production of approximately 1.2 Mt of anthracite and 350 000 t of energy coal from rewashed discard. ... Signet and De Beers launch ‘Worth the Wait’ diamond campaign. 7 . Ivanhoe Mines Q3: Kamoa-Kakula sets new copper production record. 8 . A ...

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  • La Mine 2 Tout - Vente en ligne de minéraux de collection

    CODE PROMO -10% : "PATIENCE" Nous sommes en déplacement du 20 au 30 octobre inclus. ⚠️ Toute commande passée sur le site pendant cette période sera traitée à notre retour. 🙏 Nous vous faisons donc bénéficier de 10% de remise sur notre site (hors produits en promotion), avec le code 👉 PATIENCE 👈 à entrer lors de la finalisation de votre commande :) × Rejeter l’alerte

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  • Final Scoping Report: Somkhele Anthracite Mine - WSP

    2023.10.7  Tendele Mining (Pty) Ltd, hereafter referred to as Tendele, owns and operates an open cast anthracite mine known as Somkhele Anthracite Mine (Somkhele). The Mine is situated 23km northwest of Mtubatuba Town, Kwazulu-Natal, within the uMkhanyakude District Municipality. Tendele commenced

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  • Petmin Corporate website - About Petmin

    Petmin is a high-growth multi-commodity mining company which generates cash from operations and pays a dividend to shareholders. It is geographically diversified with mining operations in South Africa and exploration projects in Canada, Liberia and Turkey

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  • Tendele Mining wins court battle to keep Somkhele open

    2021.2.11  The Supreme Court of Appeal has dismissed the appeal brought by the Mfolozi Community Environmental Justice Organisation Somkhele, the Global Environmental Trust and Sabello Dladla against a 2018 judgment of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court to interdict Tendele Mining’s Somkhele mine from operating.

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    Mining Right Area 1: mining activities north of the Mfolozi River. Mining Right Area 2: Waste rock dumps in background. Somkhele Coal Mine, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Tendele Coal Mining (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Petmin,1 has been operating the Somkhele Coal Mine in northern KwaZulu-Natal since 2007.

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  • La mina de carbón de Somkhele propiedad de Tendele,

    2020.10.27  Más de un año después, a partir de 2021, los activistas de la mina de Somkhele continúan protestar y difundir conciencia sobre los derechos locales de la tierra. Sin embargo, las compañías mineras continúan acosando y empañando la reputación de líderes prominentes como Kirsten Youens, un abogado y director ejecutivo de todos los Rise ...

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  • (PDF) Synthése des techniques de réhabilitation des sites

    2020.5.1  Synthèse bibliographique des techniques de réhabilitation des sites miniers primaires à ciel ouvert.

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  • Advancing Economic Development at the Expense of Black

    2024.8.20  Advancing Economic Development at the Expense of Black Communities: A Study of the Somkhele Mine, since 2007. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 17 (11), 91-100, 2024. 10 Pages Posted: 20 Aug 2024. See all articles by Mxolisi Bongumusa Cebekhulu Mxolisi Bongumusa Cebekhulu.

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  • Communities’ support for Tendele Mine will not be silenced

    2024.1.4  In 2017, MCEJO and others approached the Pietermaritzburg high court seeking to interdict Tendele’s mining activities at the Somkhele Mine. That application was dismissed with costs by Judge ...

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  • 20 Meilleur Sites Téléchargement Direct DDL Gratuits Films

    4 天之前  Le téléchargement DDL direct est un excellent moyen de télécharger gratuitement des films, séries, logiciels, jeux vidéo, musique et ebooks. DDL signifie « Direct Download Link ». Ce type de lien vous permet de télécharger un fichier directement depuis un serveur, sans passer par un réseau P2P. La vitesse de téléchargement peut varier selon le serveur utilisé []

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  • SOMKHELE - Petmin

    2020.11.17  Somkhele’s environmental monitoring programme includes the following: • Blasting: During blasting events by mine and independent blasting consultant • Surface water: Monitored quarterly by mine and independent environmental consultants • Ground water: Monitored quarterly by mine and independent environmental consultants

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  • Inkosi gives Somkhele mine blessing Zululand Observer

    2024.6.25  Despite ongoing tensions around the Somkhele-based Tendele coal mine, the Inkosi gave mining operations his blessing at a traditional ceremony on Wednesday.

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  • Somkhele Coal Mine, KZN, South Africa - All Rise

    2021.9.15  Mining Right Area 1: mining activities north of the Mfolozi River. Mining Right Area 2: Waste rock dumps in background. Somkhele Coal Mine, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Tendele Coal Mining (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Petmin,1 has been operating the Somkhele Coal Mine in northern KwaZulu-Natal since 2007. This open coal cast mine is located on

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